24 December 2008

National Hook-Up Day

According to Manhunt, a social networking website that facilitates same-sex casual sex, New Year's Day is the busiest day for red-hot, soul destroying, man-on-man, anonymous, steamy, impersonal, oral and anal sodomy with strangers. In fact, it has now been declared "National Hook-Up Day!"

Makes sense if you think about it. I mean, everybody is off work and no body has any plans. After a nice party the night before, all the boys are primed for more sizzling action the next day.

As for me, I'm afraid I'll have to miss out on all the torrid, slippery fun, as I will be hearing the Mass of the Circumcision of the Lord at Saint John Cantius parish.

Don't you just hate it when you have two fun things to do on the same day and can only choose one?


Nick said...

I thought that the feast of the circumcision lost its holy day of obligation status in 1993. I had a mass said for my Mother 1/1/93 and showed up to find the church locked up tight. That was the beginning of the end for me with the RCC.

The Dutchman said...

The feast day appears on 1 January in the the pre-Vatican Two General Roman Calendar, the liturgical calendar of the Eastern Orthodox Church, of the Eastern Catholic Churches of Byzantine Rite, and is celebrated by some churches of the Anglican Communion.

In the post-Vatican Two Roman Calendar, January first is celebrated as the Solemnity of Mary, Mother of God, where it is still an Holy Day of Obligation.

As I attend a Latin Mass parish, the feast days are often at variance with those of the Novus Ordo calendar.

In any case, your parish church should not have been locked tight on 1 January 1993 and that parish is probably run by slackers. Go find a real hard-ass parish where they make real demands of the faithful and I think you will be happier.