The transvestite got off on four and, as we began to ride up to seven, I commented:
Dutchman: Hey, he almost passed, didn’t he?
First Lady: Pardon?
Dutchman: Oh, that was no lady, that was a man. You can tell from the big shoes and close shave.
First Lady: Really?
Second Lady: Oh, I just don’t know why a person would do a thing like that.
Dutchman: Yeah, I don’t know either. I mean — unless you were going to dress up as a nurse.
First Lady: A nurse?
Dutchman: Yeah! Then you would have that white dress, and those white stockings with the lines down the back, and the white shoes that go squeak-squeak-squeak as you walk down the hallway, and the white starched linen hat ...
Wife-Mate (interrupting): You’re not giving me an enema!
Dutchman (stomping his foot): Damn!
So the elevator got to seven and we stepped out and headed for the cafeteria. I looked back and didn’t see the two ladies leave the elevator even though this was their floor. I’ll bet the went right back down and headed home to Schaumburg.